If you have a colostomy, you may consider emptying your colon at a scheduled time to regulate your bowel movements. It will require you to push the stream of water into the colon through the stoma. This method is known as colostomy irrigation.

What is colostomy irrigation?
An opening in the colon brought to the abdominal wall and pulled through a hole in the belly is known as a colostomy. After this procedure, waste materials pass out through the stoma instead of heading to the rectum and anus. Because a stoma doesn’t have any sphincter muscles to allow you to control when to evacuate stools, you are going to need to wear an ostomy bag over the stoma to manage stool evacuations. Alternatively, you can irrigate your colostomy to flush and empty the colon at a set schedule every day. This way, you might not need to wear an ostomy bag between two irrigations.

The process of colostomy irrigation involves pushing water into the colon through the stoma. The rushing water stimulates the colon, prompting a bowel movement. Colostomy irrigation schedules the bowel movement so that you won’t have to worry about any spillage of stools during two irrigations.
Whether you should irrigate your colostomy almost always depends on your personal preferences. If you want to live a bag-free life with your colostomy, you can choose to irrigate your colon daily. You can discuss this option with your doctor or ostomy care nurse.
Who is the right candidate for colostomy irrigation?
People who may be the right candidates for colostomy irrigation are the ones with permanent colostomies in their descending or sigmoid colon. Remember, colostomy irrigation works ideally when your colostomy produces more formed stool. You may not be the right candidate for colostomy irrigation if you have a history of irritable bowel syndrome. Some people just do not like colostomy irrigation due to the time it takes or the overall unpleasantness of the procedure. In such cases, wearing an ostomy pouch remains the best option.

When to irrigate your colostomy?
You can irrigate your colostomy once or twice every day, depending on your overall routine to having bowel movements. It might take more than six weeks for your colon to become accustomed to the irrigation procedure. The most necessary thing about colostomy irrigation is that you establish a routine and perform colostomy irrigation at a set schedule every day.
Complications of a colostomy
The risk of stool coming in contact with the skin around the stoma is a significant cause of concern for people with colostomies. If you perform colostomy irrigation, you may have to be more careful about the risk of the leakage because it generally takes a few weeks for the colostomy to become fully adapted to a routine of bowel movements. During these weeks, you may want to use a mini-colostomy bag to avoid the peristomal skin from coming in contact with waste content. This mini-colostomy bag has a discreet profile that allows you to wear swimming suits and engage in physical activities of your choice. You may want to discuss these matters with your ostomy care nurse or doctor.